Pet Wash

We all know that animals like to run around in dirt, bushes and lakes. And after a good and productive walk, you need to make your cuties beautiful and clean again. That is where this salon will help you.

So grab your shower, soaps and gels and begin to work. Pick the first client and decide where you want to start. First, get rid of all the sticks, rubbish and leaves that you can find in the long fur. Then, it’s time to shower.

Fill the bath with warm water and add bubbles. Grab your soap and make sure the client is all clean and smells tasty. After this stage is done, go and blow his fur. You can also add a couple of cute accessories and brush it. A huge red bow will look perfect on the little kitty, while the big dog needs something like a collar.

Improve your Pet Wash salon and find new customers, make them look shiny and bright and continue your work!