Chef Kids

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Help these little cookers make the most delicious meals in their life. This game will teach you how to cook, and you can definitely spend time having fun here. So first, discover what meal you need to cook. For every dish you need to prepare all the kitchenware and ingredients.

Then, follow the instructions on your screen. For example, you want to make a big pie. The first thing you require is a dough. Mix flour, eggs and sugar. And begin to learn how to use other kitchenware.

Put your pie in the oven to bake it, and begin cutting fruits, berries or vegetables, depending on what dish you want. When the time comes, add them to the plate and wait a little more while it becomes ready in the oven. And your delicious pie is done. Eat it and create another tasty masterpiece!

Learn other cool recipes and enjoy this interesting process with your helpers!